Gift Card Process

To request Gift Cards, please complete and submit the Gift Card Approval eForm. This form can be accessed by clicking here: Gift Card Approval eForm.

If you have difficulties with the link above, please follow this navigation:

Log in to PeopleSoft Production (myFinance) - Click on the NavBar (compass item in upper right corner) - Scroll down and click on myForms WorkCenter - Confirm that the Departmental tab in the upper left is selected - Click on Add a GIFTCARD eForm.

Completely fill out the form and click Submit. The form will automatically process electronically through approvals. You will receive a notification when the request has been fully approved. This is when you can begin the process of purchasing the requested cards.

Please complete a Gift Card Log; recording all necessary info requested. Once the log has been completed, please send it to Duane Barton.

Please Note: The Gift Card Receipts DO NOT need to be submitted. Your department should keep these for your records.

The Gift Card Log can be accessed here: Gift Card Log

For more in-depth explanations of the Gift Card processes, please see this link: Gift Card Processes